There may be many reasons that make us buy a wig: to feel good in public or simply to appear goodlooking. For over forty years Tophair's has been leader for the production of wigs for men and women, offering quality products, as the results of extensive research in the trichological sector. Its headquarters is in Palermo. For all those who need a wig, because they are going through a tough time, characterized by diseases that can lead to hair loss (for example for a chemotherapy), Tophair's offers a wide range of alternatives, handcrafted to ensure the quality of a wig with a natural effect, so that the customer can feel comfortable wearing it.
Artisan handmade wigs with high quality real hair
The wigs, both male and female, have a light shell lined with hypoallergenic material to offer maximum comfort when you use it, the hair is 100% natural human hair and coming from Europe, so with natural hair you can make any hairstyle or cut to make the wig in the most harmonious and natural way possible. The company provides to give the right advice and assistance at any time, both by phone and email, you can also make an appointment at the headquarters in Palermo to be guided in choosing the wig that best suits your needs. Tophair's also provides the possibility of create any type of hair system upon request to satisfy any type of desire of their customers. The range of products sold includes curly or smooth wigs, short or long wigs all characterized by a natural effect and a wide range of shades of colors, from white to black and even pink wigs, prices are among the most competitive with an excellent value for money.
Wearing the wig is simple, you can do it safely thanks to the breathable net inside, just be sure it is positioned as firmly as possible; once you wear it proceed continue making the adjustments that you think are most appropriate for your face or your taste. You can use hair straightener with natural hair or curl it at your leisure; otherwise the synthetic hair wig could melt with heat so you should avoid using it. To maintain the wig at its initial shine it would be better to use styling products with caution, because some residue can remain on the wig. Moreover you have to wash the wig: this phase is delicate but not particularly difficult. First you need to brush the wig, if it is extremely curly, it is better to use a wooden hairbrush with wide teeth, fill a bowl of cold water with specific products for washing the wigs and leave it there for 10-15 minutes without rubbing it excessively. Once washed, it is preferable to let it dry without hairdryer because excessive heat could ruin it; when dry you can brush it and style the way you like best.